


In follow up to our September 25, 2020 blog posting entitled “HHS Publishes Reporting Requirements for Payment Relief Fund (“PRF”) Recipients”  (CLICK HERE), and our subsequent follow-up blog dated October 19th (CLICK HERE) HHS finally opened the portal for reporting which is described on their website  https://www.hrsa.gov/provider-relief/reporting-auditing).  They have also published a User’s Guide, provided a detailed worksheet to prepare for reporting and prepared extensive “frequently asked questions”.  Links to those pages are provided on their website.


Physician practices that received HHS 1 and 2 money during the second quarter of 2020 are required to report on their use of that money, and their lost revenue due to the pandemic, prior to September 30, 2021.  The portal is very comprehensive and will take significant time to complete.  While many HMA clients will be able to meet the test of “lost revenue”, others may not and could be required to return what was once described as a “grant”.


HMA consultants are working diligently to comply with the portal requirements.  We have also developed a relationship with a large accounting firm in NY in case we or our clients have specific questions or are seeking second opinions.  In many cases, we will need your assistance logging in.  If that is the case, we will be in touch to set up a time to complete it together.

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