Welcome to our new website and blog where we will communicate important information to current and prospective clients. Here is an update on MA Paid Family and Medical Leave Act.
It’s hard to believe, but HMA’s initial website was created 10 years ago on our 25th Anniversary. As HMA begins its 35th year, we have created a new website for our clients and other physicians and hospital executives that are interested in our services and using our Blog to distribute information that we think is relevant to your practice.
As we reflect back to our beginning in 1984, fee for service billing was just beginning for pathologists and other physicians around the country and HMA was there to help both academic and community practices analyze the financial impact, negotiate hospital contracts, develop billing mechanisms and establish and support the newly formed physician corporations. Thirty-five years later, we are proud to say that we continue to provide services to many long term clients (HMA’s average client tenure is over 15 years!) and we continue to add new clients of all specialties. We are also proud to say that the average tenure of our employees is also over 15 years which enables HMA employees to provide a continuity of services at a high level of experience and expertise!
Our new website is a reflection of our commitment to continue to adapt our services to meet our client’s ever growing needs. We plan to update the site on a regular basis by providing regular blog postings on various topics of interest – legislative, practice management, finance, etc.
We have taken the liberty to sign you up to receive blog notifications so that we can notify you of our current topic, which is an update on the Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave that will be implemented on July 1 this year. Since you are signed up, you will receive periodic (not too often) notices of new HMA Blog postings. Obviously, you can “unsubscribe” at any time. We also encourage you to send the link to your colleagues so that they can sign up as well.
We hope that you will find the posting below and past/future postings informative. Please feel free to reach out to any of us at HMA if you have any questions or require any assistance.
Update on MA Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) Law:
As previously posted in this Blog, Massachusetts signed into law last year a statute that provides paid family and medical leave (PFML) benefits to workers. Draft regulations were published on 3/29/2019, and final regulations are expected 7/1/2019, which is also the date on which employee/employer contributions must begin. Benefits will be available beginning on 1/1/2021 with a second phase in date of 7/1/2021.
The key steps for employers at this stage include preparing for payroll-related contributions starting 7/1/2019, and sending notice to employees plus displaying a poster in the workplace prior to that date. The deadline for these notice requirements was recently extended from May 31st to June 30th, therefore providing a bit of relief for employers.
We will be working with HMA bookkeeping clients on meeting these requirements in the coming weeks.
For more information about the law, click here.